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National Resurrection in Learning on the Digital Era
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National resurrection has a deep meaning for the Indonesian people. On May 20, 1908, an organization with a high nationalist feeling was born, namely Boedi Oetomo. In the current era, precisely in the age of the industrial revolution 4.0 and the period of society 5.0, national resurrection has different challenges. Indonesia must rise and strengthen in various sectors along with the onslaught of globalization and increasingly vital technology. Especially the education sector. Millennial era education is undoubtedly different from education in the 1908 era. If Indonesia wants to compete with other countries, Indonesia must be able to innovate in various sectors. In the 21st century, when a nation cannot innovate, the nation will be left behind. Based on the challenges in this digital era, the elementary school teacher education study program and master's degree in elementary education at the Yogyakarta State University's faculty of education held a national seminar with the theme "The Role of Elementary Education for National Resurrection of Various Perspectives in Innovation on the Digital Era.
The national seminar event was held on June 2, 2021, and was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta State University, Dr. Sujarwo, M. Pd. In his speech, Dr. Sujarwo, M. Pd., emphasized that the seminar was a vehicle for students, lecturers, teachers, education practitioners, and parents to learn how to be wise in using technology from various perspectives. Meanwhile, the speakers at this seminar included Dr. Idham Ragil Widhiantoro, S. Pd., M. Si., from Sebelas Maret University, Dr. Aprilia Tina Lidyasari, S. Pd., M. Pd., from Yogyakarta State University, and Dr. Zubaedah Amir, M. Pd. From UIN Riau. The three speakers are experts in their respective fields.
Dr. Idham, Dr. Ragil Widhiantoro, S.Pd., M.Si delivered his presentation with the theme of Learning Technology in Digital Innovation. Learning technology today is very synonymous with 21st-century learning. Therefore, teachers must be creative and innovative in designing learning. One way that can be done is by doing digital innovation. Currently, many digital learning media can be used. For example, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Interactive Multimedia, and others. While Dr. Aprilia Tina Lidyasari, S.Pd., M.Pd conveyed the Perspective of Children and Parents in Digital Innovation. The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is now convenient and a challenge for students and parents. However, behind the convenience and benefits that technology provides for learning and everyday life, there are also challenges. Of course, students and parents must understand these challenges so that a wise attitude emerges in utilizing technology.
Meanwhile, Dr. Zubaedah Amin, M.Pd, in his presentation that raised the topic of Teacher Perspectives in Innovation in the Digital Era, said that a professional teacher in the 21st century must be skilled in using technology in his learning. Currently, many applications can help teachers in doing education for students. In addition, teachers must also be precise in using technology in their learning in the classroom. The technology used for learning will certainly increase students' interest and motivation in education if it is used properly. The event, which approximately 600 participants attended, was closed with a question and answer session. Participants seemed enthusiastic in conducting discussions with the third resource person.
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