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Wednesday, 22/09/2021 Starting at 10.00 WIB Student Affairs and Alumni continued the meeting with parents of students which was a series of events starting on Tuesday 21/09/2021. The Student Parents Meeting in this session is with the Parents of PGSD Students in 2021, which is the initial activity of introducing campus for parents of PGSD students of the Faculty of Education. This meeting was held using the Zoom platform which was broadcast live through the FIP UNY Youtube account, which was attended by Dr. Sujarwo, M.Pd. as the Dean of FIP; Dr. Anwan Senen, M.Pd. as the Head of PGSD; Kurniawati.M.Pd as moderator, Irfan Wahyu Pranoto, M.Pd. as PGSD Student Assistant; Agung Hastomo, M.Pd. as a PGSD Lecturer; and all parents of PGSD students of the Faculty of Education.
The event began with a speech as well as the presentation of material by Mr. Dr. Sujarwo, M.Pd.. He explained about the history of the founding of UNY, the introduction of university and faculty bureaucracy, UNY's vision to become a Legal Entity University in 2023, to an explanation of the ins and outs of the Faculty of Education. Not to forget, he expressed hope for the advancement of the Faculty of Education, which is supported by programs and services in facilitating FIP students.
Furthermore, Mr. Dr. Anwan Senen, M.Pd. welcomes the presence of PGSD student parents by providing information about the PGSD Study Program, graduate targets, learning support facilities, to the ethics of PGSD graduates. His hope is that the study program's efforts to develop student capacity with various facilities and reliable learning will be able to skyrocket the outcome of PGSD graduates to the maximum.
Mr. Dr. Agung Hastono as a PGSD Lecturer highlighted the existence of a curriculum program. He conveyed that the curriculum implemented in the PGSD Study Program was not outdated and continued to develop, as evidenced by equipping students with 4C attitudes, adapting learning models and strategies in the pandemic era, participating in the MBKM program, and much more.
In the department's student activities, Mr. Irfan Wahyu Prananto, M.Pd. as a Student Assistant, he provides information about efforts to facilitate students in developing their interests and talents, and reads about the proud achievements of PGSD students recently.
After the presentation of the material from the four speakers, Kurniawati.M.Pd as the MC on this occasion opened a question and answer session. In this question and answer session, many parents were very enthusiastic and responsive to the material presented by the resource persons and the information needed to support their children to take the PGSD Study Program well and successfully. The question was started by Mr. Markoni who asked about the facilitation of PGSD students during their advanced studies and further questions about FIP student dormitories.
Finally, the question and answer session ended well. The PGSD Study Program's Parents Gathering event ended with the hope that this initial meeting would be a good step for the progress of students and faculty, so that synergy was needed by involving the parents of students. Therefore, parents are encouraged to join the Whatsapp group to facilitate communication and coordination. (BKA FIP UNY Troops/rit)
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