Graduate Competency of S1 Elementary School Teacher Education

Competency of S1-Elementary School Teacher Education Graduates


Learning Outcomes or competencies of graduates of the Elementary School Teacher Education study program are developed from a predetermined profile. Therefore, the learning outcomes (LO) of the Elementary School Teacher Education study program are as follows.


  1. Fear of God Almighty, manifested in a religious, honest, and patient attitude.
  2. Upholding human values, religion, norms, and ethics in carrying out their duties.
  3. Having a sense of pride and love for the homeland and the responsibility to the nation and state.
  4. Appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others.
  5. Having a caring attitude in improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and civilization based on Pancasila.
  6. Having a social sensitivity and concern in the community.
  7. Be fair, obey the law, and be disciplined in the life of society and the state.
  8. Having a spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.
  9. Having a sense of responsibility for work according to the field of expertise.
  10. Be critical of developing science and technology related to the profession as educators and educational researchers at the elementary school level.


  1. Mastering the principles and theories of education in elementary schools.
  2. Mastering the characteristics of physical, psychological, and social development of elementary school students.
  3. Mastering the basic concepts of five main fields of study (Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, and Civics) in elementary school.
  4. Mastering the concepts, theories, and principles of the curriculum; approaches, strategies, models, methods, techniques, teaching materials, sources, and learning media, especially in the content of the five main study areas (Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, and Civics) in elementary schools.
  5. Mastering the concepts, theories, and principles of assessing learning processes and outcomes in elementary schools.
  6. Mastering the nature of services and counseling in elementary schools to solve problems related to students.
  7. Mastering program design, management, and evaluation of educational programs by utilizing knowledge and areas of expertise.
  8. Mastering the concepts, theories, and principles of education with and through art, culture, and crafts in developing various Information and Communication Technology-based learning innovations in elementary schools.
  9. Mastering the concepts, theories, and principles of literacy learning related to areas that support improving the quality of learning in elementary schools, including the main fields of study (Indonesian Language, Science, Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Civics).
  10. Mastering basic concepts, methods, and research procedures that can solve learning problems in elementary schools.


  1. Able to develop learning materials for five main fields of study in elementary schools.
  2. Able to develop curricula, approaches, strategies, models, methods, techniques, teaching materials, media, and learning resources, as a classroom teacher, especially in the five main areas of elementary school.
  3. Able to evaluate learning processes and products in elementary schools.
  4. Able to carry out guidance and counseling services in elementary schools to solve problems related to student behavior in learning.
  5. Able to plan, manage, and evaluate the implementation of educational programs by utilizing knowledge and areas of expertise.
  6. Able to disseminate ideas and innovative works to develop and improve the quality of education in primary schools.
  7. Able to implement education with and through arts, culture, and crafts in developing various Information and Communication Technology-based learning innovations in elementary schools.
  8. Able to implement literacy learning related to areas that support improving the quality of learning in elementary schools, including the main field of study (Indonesian, Natural Science, Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Civics).
  9. Able to plan, manage, and evaluate learning in primary school subjects (Indonesian, Natural Science, Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Civics) by utilizing ICT-based knowledge.
  10. Able to implement research procedures that can solve educational problems in elementary schools.