Vision Purpose & Strategy


To become an educational study program as a pioneer in primary school education that is competitive, creative, innovative, based on piety, independence, & intelligence according to the development of science and technology and has a global perspective in producing educators and researchers at the elementary school level in 2025.


1. To produce elementary school teacher education graduates who have Pancasila values, global perspective, and responsible for their profession.
2. To produce scientific works and educational products that are innovative and creative obtained through research and community service in order to realize the            quality of elementary education.
3. Creating the excellent service, conducive learning environment, and accountable and transparent study program management in the context of quality assurance.
4. Creating a inter-institutional cooperation network to develop and implement elementary education theories to a wider forum. 


       Strategy to Acheve Goals

       1. a. Build and develop an academic atmosphere that encourages lecturers to conduct lectures to support self-quality, share experiences, and learn from experience

           b. Encouraging lecturers to make continuous improvement in carrying out their duties.

           c. Encouraging lecturers to conduct lectures that build the character of students to have  Pancasila values, have a global perspective, and be responsible.

           d. Designing accelerated student study programs

           e. Implementing a character-based curriculum

          f. Renew the curriculum to be able to adapt to the development of science and technology and field needs

       2. a Increase research productivity and community service in an effort to create various scientific works that are innovative, creative, and useful for basic education

           b. Building a network of research collaboration and community service

           c. Increase the number of target schools

         d. Increase the number of publications both at national and international levels

      3. a Build an efficient, accountable, effective and productive organizational structure at the study program level

           b. Carry out transparent, accountable, fair, and conducive management of study programs

           c. Positioning lecturers and administrative staff as education servants

           d. Provide excellent service according to their duties.

           e. Building positive collaboration between lecturers and students

           f. Carry out lectures based on reflective based teaching

           g. Building positive and familial interactions between lecturers and students

         h. Encourage lifelong learning

       4. a. Expanding cooperation networks at local, national, and international levels to strengthen the contribution of study programs in improving the quality of basic  education

           b. Disseminate the advantages of the PGSD study program to the community

           c. Promoting study programs to the public in an effort to build study programs as trendsetters

          d. Promoting study programs to the public in an effort to build study programs as trendsetters